Milliums (or sebaceous hair follicles)
Millium cysts (drained pimples) are small whitish or yellow bumps that appear when keratin (or a protein present in the skin, hair, and nails) accumulates in the pores of the skin glands until they become blocked. This type of acne on the skin usually occurs on areas of the face such as the eyelids, cheekbones, jaw and the back of the ears. Although the exact causes are unknown, there are factors that increase the likelihood of their occurrence, such as skin conditions such as burns and taking certain medications such as corticosteroids.
How to treat these pimples
The most common methods of eliminating millium cysts are, on the one hand, removal and emptying of their interior by a doctor and, on the other hand, the use of certain pharmacological treatments such as retinoid cream or alpha-hydroxy acid lotion . In addition to these professional methods, we can also try steam baths at home so that the steam makes it easier to remove it.
However, as tempting as it may be, you should avoid squeezing or removing them like normal pimples, as this will only lead to skin infection.
common grains.
Common pimples are the type of bumps on the skin that usually appear when we suffer from acne. These types of pimples are caused by infection and blockage of the hair follicles due to the accumulation of sebum, dead cells and other residual dirt on the skin. In addition, these types of pimples are usually characterized by small reddish bumps that can appear anywhere on the face.
How to treat facial pimples
Depending on the severity, common pimples are often treated with topical medications such as retinoids , antibiotics and/or salicylic acid, oral medications and oral products. However, the appearance of this type of acne can also be treated and prevented with daily care: facial cleansing, facial peels and a healthy diet. In addition, you can also try homemade masks made from natural products with antiseptic and antibacterial properties to eliminate the agents that cause this skin condition.
Comedones, also commonly known as pimples, are lesions that appear when the follicle duct or channel is blocked by excessive production of keratin. These types of pimples on the skin tend to be more common during adolescence and usually appear on areas of the face such as the nose. Within these grains, comedones or pimples can be of two types:
Acne or comedones : these are open comedones that take on a darker color due to oxidation of fats or due to skin contact with the environment. The most effective way to get rid of black spots is a professional facial cleansing. However, we can also exfoliate natural products at home to remove accumulated fat and dirt from the pores.
White blackheads or comedones : These are closed comedones, which are very small pimples with a white tip. In this case, the best way to treat them is the topical application of natural lotions, such as tea tree oil , a homemade antiseptic that helps reduce the inflammation of this type of pimples. However, in the most serious cases, it is convenient to see a dermatologist.
Internal pimples.
An internal pimple, also known as a cystic pimple, is a bump that appears on the face when the skin pores become deeply clogged. This type of pimple is characterized by the absence of a white or black central dot, and a reddish and painful color because of the inflammation it causes in our dermis . Although the causes of internal acne are usually related to hormonal changes, cystic acne can also be caused by factors such as improper diet, stress, product allergies or the use of cosmetics that are too aggressive for the skin.
How to treat internal pimples
Lemon and sugar scrub . Thanks to the astringent power of these ingredients, this lemon-sugar scrub will remove accumulated impurities and dead cells that clog pores.
Green clay mask : with astringent properties, it reduces the oiliness of pores and dries pimples faster.
Tea tree oil : it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, eliminates the accumulation of impurities in the skin pores and promotes faster regeneration of damaged skin.
Boils are a skin condition caused by a bacterium known as Staphylococcus aureus , which is usually found on the skin, especially in the inner area of the nose . However, this skin condition can also be caused by factors such as diabetes, a weakened immune system, or other skin conditions such as eczema or common acne.
Boils can occur on any area of the body, but most commonly on the face, armpits, neck or inner thighs. It differs from other types of pimples in that it is a very painful reddish bump with a white tip of pus and increases in size as it fills with this fluid.
How to Treat Boils
Mild boils can be treated at home with compresses moistened with warm water, as they relieve pain and help drain their contents naturally. However, in the case of larger boils, they will be removed either with an incision and subsequent drainage by a doctor or with antibiotics.
conglobate acne
Acne conglobata is a serious and chronic disease that begins with the appearance of common acne and pimples until it leads to more severe lesions that are distinguished by soreness, a reddish hue (due to inflammation), with pustules or pus and even to disfigure facial features (in the most severe cases). In addition, conglobate acne can also cause deep abscesses, fever and deformities on other areas of the skin, such as the neck, chest, buttocks and thighs.
How to treat conglobate acne
In addition to following certain recommendations at home, such as improving your diet, keeping your acne areas clean and avoiding touching the acne sites, it is important that you see a dermatologist to treat this type of acne on your skin.
Types of pimples.
Pimples are usually divided into four types: open and closed comedones, pustules and papules. Below we describe each of them so that you can easily identify them.
Open comedones.
Commonly known as blackheads , these are those located inside the pores, especially on the nose. They are formed because of excess sebum and dead skin. The dark color comes from the oxidation of sebum, it is a type of dirt that usually does not inflame and does not cause any bumps.
Closed comedones
They are also often called pimples. And this type of dirt is characterized by the formation of a small white dot on the skin, which occurs due to the accumulation of sebum, bacteria and dead skin. Closed comedones can evolve into the next category described.
This is the typical belly that most of us identify. It looks very similar to a pimple, except that it is larger and the skin around it is red and inflamed because of the pus inside.
This type of papule, in our opinion, is usually less common. It is characterized by a reddish color, causes inflammation of the skin and usually causes pain. Unlike pustules, they do not contain pus.
How to treat different types of acne
The way to treat any type of acne will always depend on the severity of the condition. Undoubtedly, facial cleansing is necessary to prevent the formation of dirt. In addition, the use of formulas containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid , niacinamide or sulfur is the key to control excess sebum on the skin. On the other hand, in the case of closed comedones and pustules, it is advisable to let them complete their process. That is, do not try to squeeze them or force them, as the only thing that will be caused is mistreatment and trauma to the skin.
Dr. Marco Gutierrez, an esthetician at the Aurus Clinic, concludes as follows: “For open and closed comedones, it is advisable to exfoliate the skin two to three times a week. In addition to topical care at home, formulas that help renew the most superficial skin cells help reduce pore size and control fat production. Examples are keratolytics (such as salicylic acid) and retinoids (derived from vitamin A). On the other hand, more attention should be paid to the treatment of pustules and papules because they are associated with a significant inflammatory process. Consequently, a physician’s evaluation is necessary to determine whether treatment with oral or topical antibiotics.”
Why do we get pimples on our face?
Facial acne can be caused by a variety of causes or factors. These factors can occur individually or simultaneously, and in most cases they are factors that we can prevent or control.
Here are the main causes that usually cause acne:
Stress and anxiety
Nowadays, we lead a high pace of life, where our responsibilities usually take up most of our day. Whether it is work, study or other responsibilities, it is very common that we have little free time for leisure or hobbies.
This, directly or indirectly, can significantly affect our moods, leading to stress and anxiety. These pretenses can usually lead to acne, but not by themselves. Stress or anxiety leads to acne because of increased levels of cortisol, which causes pores to clog, affects the sebaceous glands and causes more sebum to be produced.
Not getting enough sleep and rest is another major cause of acne. This fact is directly related to the previous cause, as stress can affect the quality of our sleep, and if we don’t get enough sleep, we become more irritable and get stressed more easily.
This loop of stress and little rest is the perfect environment for the manifestation of acne.
Hormonal changes.
Hormonal changes are probably the main cause of acne and pimples on the face. But what do we mean by hormonal changes? The clearest example is teenagers. During this time, children begin to experience many changes on all levels in order to enter adulthood. Hormonal changes in teens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing an increase in sebum production, which leads to acne.
However, adolescence is not the only period when hormonal changes occur. Other typical periods of these changes can be, for example, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause in women.
Type of diet
Diet also plays an important role in the fight against acne. A priori it may seem like a minor cause, but the food we eat is very important in preventing grit.
Normally, grit usually appears in people who eat poorly and consume a lot of fatty foods, industrial baked goods, chocolate, fried or semi-finished products. These foods, among other things, stimulate the production of fat and have a significant impact on the formation of acne. Although these foods are the main ones that usually produce grains, the truth is that each person may be more affected by one or the other.
Anyway, the truth is that a good diet based on vegetables, legumes, cereals, vegetables, fruits, good fats and quality proteins will be a great help to avoid acne on the face.
Finally, it should be noted that although these are the main causes of facial acne, there are also less common causes that can lead to acne. These causes can be related, for example, to genetics, certain medications or skin contact with oily substances.