You won’t get pretty: Why you shouldn’t use eyelash oil before bedtime

Unlike skin care, the beauty routine for eyelashes cannot boast of its versatility and is most often reduced to the use of oils and serums at night. But this measure is not suitable for everyone – and can cause new problems.

Well, who does not dream about thick, lush and voluminous eyelashes? Alas, most girls without mascara and lash extensions, the picture looks pretty sad. That’s why many people like to do eye makeup almost every day – even if they don’t have anywhere to go.

It is believed that you can improve the condition of your eyelashes by applying serums and other caring products based on castor, burdock, coconut and other valuable oils. However, experts are still not convinced that this measure helps to strengthen the lash line.

For example, according to dermatologist Rebecca Marcus, popular plant oils only indirectly help solve the problem.

“If we talk about castor oil, for example, it moisturizes the lashes and helps reduce their fragility, because many people do not think about the damage caused to the eyes, too actively washing off makeup. But, unfortunately, it won’t make eyelashes grow thicker or faster,” explains the doctor.

That said, using oils before bedtime can lead to a more pressing problem. Namely, puffiness in the morning.

Skin in the eyelid area is especially delicate and sensitive, so products for this area should be lightweight and formulated as innocuously as possible. Oils, alas, do not belong to this category of ingredients. In case of long contact with skin they may cause local irritation and puffiness – and in the morning it will be hard to recognize yourself in the mirror.

Nevertheless, you should not completely abandon the oils and serums for lashes – what if their moisturizing effect still make you happy? Apply the products to your eyelashes in the evening after washing, and before you go to bed, blot your eyes with a cotton pad – so that the oil is left only on the tips of your eyelashes, and has no direct contact with the skin of the eyelids.