Bulldog cheeks: how to get rid of a nasolabial fold without surgery

Nasolabial folds appear in many people with age, but sometimes the first symptoms are noticeable in very young girls. Of course, you can’t argue against genetics, but if it’s about skin tone, puffiness or facial expressions, you can fix it: at home, for free, reliably, without any text or registration.

Risk factors

Don’t self-medicate! In our articles, we gather the latest scientific data and opinions from respected health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Nasolabial folds are natural (yes, yes) changes in the structure of the face, and they are associated primarily with facial expressions: if you smile, they will appear sooner or later.

Especially noticeable nasolabial folds in slender girls, as the subcutaneous fat layer in them, of course, thinner.

Sharp outline of the wrinkles may, if you have lost more than 5 kg in a short period of time (less than a month).

Provoke early nasolabial formation may sleep on your stomach: turning over, you “swap” the skin of the face to the nose and back, thereby exacerbating the breakage.

The final provocateur of nasolabial folds is drinking at night.


One of the most effective methods is the Asahi massage. Place your fingers in the center of your chin, press, hold for a bit and start sliding to the corners of your lips. The skin will “move” upward, this is normal. Likewise, directing the skin upward, pressing for 2-3 seconds, work on the nasolabial folds (or where they may appear).

An effective way to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds is bodyflex – a special set of exercises that are based on aerobic breathing.

Finally, self-massage along cosmetic lines – a proven over the years and available means against nasolabial folds.

1. With your index fingers, bring your lips to a half-smile and then lower the corners of your lips down as if you’re upset. Repeat 50 times.

2. Inflate your cheeks firmly and slowly let the air out.

3. Make your lips “duck”, then relax. Repeat 50 times.

4. Press down firmly with your fingertips on the nasolabial folds, hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat 25 times.


If you see a cream, serum or other product that claims to cure those wrinkles, know that it’s a scam because it’s not real.

The only effective way to correct nasolabial folds that have formed is through injections.

The easiest, most effective and most natural way to get rid of deep wrinkles. The big plus is that the loss is minimal – usually only a slight swelling. The bad thing is that their effect is inconsistent. It is officially stated that the effect lasts for 9-12 months. Sometimes it happens that it lasts up to a year and a half, but this is not a typical result.

The most popular injections used today are hyaluronic acid preparations. The optimal variant, dosage and place of injection will only be determined by a plastic surgeon. The effect is noticeable immediately, lasts from 3 to 12 months, the injections have practically no side effects and are not addictive, as hyaluronic acid is a natural product for the skin.

You only need to check the certificate of authenticity, diploma and experience of the chosen doctor, as well as sterility during the procedure.