Two minutes, three cents: how to get rid of female mustaches at home

Back in the 19th century, women’s moustaches were not considered something unaesthetic. This, for example, is what Leo Tolstoy wrote in his famous novel.

– They say that the ball will be very good,” answered the princess, cocking her moustache lip. – All the beautiful women of society will be there.

– Not all, for you won’t be there, not all,” said Prince Hippolytus, laughing happily, and seizing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him, and began to put it on the Duchess.

Times have changed: women’s moustaches are now subject to immediate destruction. But to cope with them is not so easy: the delicate skin requires special treatment.

Why do women get moustaches?

There are two main reasons. The first is heredity. If your mom has a strip on his upper lip, and the same you see in old family photos at his grandmother, most likely, the same feature will get and you. In this case, do not worry, just get rid of the mustache at home or in a beauty salon.

But the second reason already requires close attention. The fact that the mustache may appear because of hormonal imbalance, when the male hormones take over the female. Sometimes this is a completely normal situation, but such a change is sometimes caused by a serious endocrine disease.

How do you know whether to worry? Think about whether other worrisome symptoms have appeared with the moustache? Maybe you’ve become tired easily? Or are you constantly experiencing irritation and anger? Is your weight rising or falling for no apparent reason? Are your nails brittle and your skin dry? If it’s not just the hairs on your upper lip that are causing the change, you should see your doctor.

How to remove moustache at home

This recipe was invented by the women of the East, who have to struggle with the problem all the time. They rejected waxing and plucking – these methods traumatize the delicate skin of the face, and inflammation looks much worse than dark hairs.

The way of the oriental beauties, on the contrary, helps to saturate the skin with minerals and vitamins, make it soft and velvety. So, here’s what you need to do.

Prepare an oatmeal paste: mix half a teaspoon of coarse oatmeal with 6-8 drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey.
Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture, add to it two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix everything until homogeneous.

Apply the mass to the upper lip, massage a little against the growth of the hair. Leave it for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Repeat the procedure two or three times a week, and in a month the moustache will disappear, leaving your skin smooth and well-groomed.