Flap and take off: these 4 easy tips to grow long and thick lashes

When you get home in the evening after a hard day or a raucous party, there’s nothing more exhausting than taking your false eyelashes off your eyes. But leaving them on overnight is one of the worst ideas a girl can have. It could end up injuring the mucous membrane or the delicate skin of the eyelids, which is three times thinner than on any other part of the face.

Step one: check to see if your beauty routine is hurting your lashes

Make sure you’re using a mild makeup remover and mascara that’s easy to rinse off. It’s best to avoid water-resistant mascara, as it can dry out your lashes, making them brittle and broken. Change your mascara once every three months – it should not become a breeding ground for bacteria. Avoid curling your lashes excessively, as this can harm their growth.

Step Two: Use an eyelash serum

Many cosmetic manufacturers make serums for lashes, but not all of them work. Dermatologist and MD Debra Jaliman advises choosing ones that contain biotin, peptides, lipids, panthenol and hyaluronic acid.

As cosmetic chemist Stephen Allen Ko explains, the serum should be applied every evening before going to bed strictly along the growth lines of the lashes as close to their base as possible. Jaliman advises to consult a doctor before applying the serum to avoid possible problems.

Step Three: Carefully remove eye makeup.

At the end of the day, remember to rinse your makeup off your eyes so that your mascara doesn’t clump your lashes. When doing so, avoid sudden movements and don’t rush: give your makeup remover 30 seconds to “loosen” the mascara. Don’t rub your eyes too hard – this can cause mechanical damage to your lashes.

Step Four: Add foods with biotin to your diet

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, helps maintain healthy skin, hair, eyes, liver and even the nervous system. Technically, your eyelashes are hair too, so biotin will benefit them. Eat more foods that contain biotin: liver, kidneys, soybeans, rice bran, cow’s milk, egg yolks, cauliflower, tomatoes and peanuts.